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Mont Barbeston, from the Blanchet car park

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Last survey: 31/12/2000
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
1300 m
Arrival height
2483 m
Positive difference in height
1183 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


From the A5 motorway junction exit at Verrès, enter the roundabout and take the third exit onto the Strada Statale SS26 in the direction of Aosta.

After 450m at the roundabout take the first exit and continue along the state road for a further 1.3km. Turn left onto the regional road SR 6 with signs for Valle di Champdepraz - Parco del Mont Avic. Go up the SR 6 for about 10km before meeting the panel with the signs for the main car park in the resort: turn left, following the signs for Blanchet and Fusse and, after about 200m, park your car in the convenient free car park 🅿️.

[0h22'] - [11.5km]
How to get there with GMaps
How to get there with Apple Maps

In the summer period, July/August, a shuttle service leading to Chevrère (Covarey).

The information provided here has been verified on the date of the survey of the route. Before setting off, it is advisable to make sure that no substantial changes have occurred on the route to the starting point. We therefore recommend using the satellite navigation apps provided by Google or Apple for up-to-date and detailed directions.


A very beautiful itinerary in the Mont Avic Regional Park. It is equipped in such a way as to allow the hiker to get to know the peculiarities of the park. The arrival at the summit of Barbeston offers excellent panoramic views of all the peaks in the region.


0h00' Leaving the car in the car park for visitors to the Mont Avic Park, proceed backwards for about 100m until you come to a signpost with directions to the main destinations in the area. Follow the signs for the path 7B turn left up an easy tarmac road that becomes paved after a few hundred metres and joins SR 6. Turn left and, passing by the Mont Avic Park Visitor Centre, go through the village of Covarey and reach the highest car park (this car park can be used out of season).

0h00' From the car park proceed backwards for about 100m until you come to a signpost with directions to the main destinations in the area. Follow the signs for the path 5C , turn left .o, which almost immediately becomes a farm road and without a great difference in altitude enters the park. Along the way, you can make small stops to read the panels provided by the park authority, which provide information on the ecosystem of the area. After a few hundred metres we come across the entrance to the path (7B) at Crest. We ascend a steep pine forest and after crossing the ancient Ru Chevrère (representing the park boundary) we reach the Pra Oursié mountain pasture (1794m) after about 1h00' of walking. Just above the mountain pasture huts, the regional park has placed a weather station and an orientation panel to better appreciate the landscape. After this small diversions, the path continues towards another alpine pasture: Pian Tsaté (2005m). In this section, the path crosses a forest of Scots pine and hooked pine (an endemic species in the park). Once past the alpine pasture of Pian Tsaté, the path crosses patches of rhododendrons and after about 2h 15' walk, the Valmeriana pass (2281m) is reached. From the pass, a splendid panorama of the entire park area can be enjoyed. The summit of Barbeston stands out on the left, not without its grandeur, but, despite the impression, it is easily reached within a quarter of an hour. From the summit, one can appreciate a superb panorama of the main peaks of the Aosta Valley. The return is along the same route as the outward journey (1h15').


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© 2009 - Massimo Martini
© 2009 - Massimo Martini
© 2009 - Massimo Martini
© 2009 - Massimo Martini
© 2009 - Massimo Martini
© 2009 - Massimo Martini
© 2009 - Massimo Martini
© 2009 - Massimo Martini
© 2009 - Massimo Martini

We have been there

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Monte Barbeston

Piacevole gita di fine estate. Vista la giornata tersa il panorama era davvero notevole! Avvistamenti faunistici: Capra locale

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Monte Barbeston

salita dal sentiero (7b) sono poi scesa dal sentiero che porta a magazzino e da li a veulla. sentiero completamente sgombro da neve. Ci sono stato!

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Monte Barbeston

salita dal sentiero (7b) sono poi scesa dal sentiero che porta a magazzino e da li a veulla. sentiero completamente sgombro da neve. Ci sono stato!

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Mont Barbeston

Da tempo puntavo a questa montagna, facile da salire ma estremamente panoramica, e non ha deluso. Sentiero che sale bello diretto già dall'inizio, il che permette di salire rapidamente di quota.
 Arrivato in vetta alle 11, un paio di escursionisti mi hanno raggiunto ma sono poi subito scesi, così me la sono potuta godere in solitaria. Panorama davvero spaziale, visibili tutti i 4000 ad eccezione del Granpa. Ho iniziato la discesa quando le prime nubi del peggioramento previsto hanno iniziato ad affacciarsi.

Condizioni via o sentiero: ottimo, privo di neve
Pericolo Oggettivo:
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Rischio valanghe:
 Affollamento: Poca gente


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