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Maisoncles, from Rovenaud

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Last survey: 08/03/2004
4.30 Km
Departure altitude
1462 m
Arrival height
1836 m
Positive difference in height
374 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


Beautiful introductory hike in the protected environment of the Gran Paradiso National Park. As you ascend the twisting hairpin bends of the royal hunting road, you can enjoy a silent contact with your surroundings. The hike is simple, relatively short and without any marked objective dangers.



Take the path to Maisoncles at a slightly discoloured marker on the edge of the SR23 regional road. Follow the track that follows a forest track immersed in a larch and birch forest, heading towards the Rovenaud icefalls, clearly visible in front of us. After about ten minutes, we reach the stream bed, which in winter forms the previously mentioned icefall: after a very short descent to cross the stream, we begin to climb the wide mule track built at the time of King Victor Emmanuel II to facilitate his hunting trips. After a splendid view of Mont Fallère, the mule track enters the dense forest, climbing up the ridge of the Grand Nomenon with a continuous series of hairpin bends and long stretches without excessive altitude difference. At a hairpin bend to the south, a trail marker (2) and red paint markers indicate the exit of the beautiful icefall below (1694m, 0h45').
The ascent into the forest continues, with a play of light creating suggestive chiaroscuro effects along the way, with occasional glimpses of the dense vegetation allowing views of the wild Valsavarenche. Slowly the forest descends and finally we reach the Casotto dei Guardaparco (1836m, 1h15'), the destination of our hike.
From up here, there is a beautiful view of the bottom of the Valsavarenche, of the Punta Bioula and, just above the Casotti, the ruins of the village of Maisoncles at the foot of the majestic Grand Nomenon.
The descent is along the same route as the ascent.

The hike takes place entirely in the Gran Paradiso National Park, where it is possible to encounter animals such as chamois, ibex and fox. If you want to fully enjoy these encounters, it is advisable to walk in a silent and environmentally friendly manner.


Riferimenti Bibliografici

  • Tracce Lievi - Martini Massimo - Martini Multimedia, Saint-Vincent, 2007

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Maisoncles, from Rovenaud
domenica 16 giugno 2024


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