Machaby Sanctuary, from the Machaby car park

Leave the motorway at the Verrès exit and turn right onto the main road in the direction of Turin. Drive past the village of Verrès and, after 4 kilometres, reach the Arnad roundabout. Take the second exit and continue in the direction of the village, following the signs for the Machaby sanctuary. Go up the municipal road for about 2.20 kilometres, skirting the complex of the Romanesque church of San Martino and passing near the Valleise Castle, until you reach the junction for the Machaby parking area. Continue straight on for about 700 metres until you come to a large, free parking area 🅿️ where you can leave your car. There is a panel in the area with directions to the municipal footpath network.
[0h11'] - [6.90km]
How to get there with GMaps
How to get there with Apple Maps
The directions provided have been carefully checked as of the date the route was taken. However, it is highly recommended to check for any changes that may have occurred since then, especially regarding the route to the starting point. Before embarking on your journey, it is advisable to consult up-to-date navigation tools for accurate and up-to-date directions. We recommend the use of satellite navigation apps, such as Google Maps or Apple Maps, to ensure the most accurate and safe route.
The excursion to the Sanctuary of Machaby, located in Arnad in Valle d'Aosta, is an experience that combines nature, history and spirituality. Following the ancient paved mule track, the route crosses an evocative chestnut forest and leads to the sanctuary, a place of worship dedicated to the Madonna delle Nevi, with an annual festival held every 5 August. The building, dating back to the 15th century and rebuilt in the 17th, is today a fine example of sacred architecture, enriched with interior decorations and a collection of ex-votos testifying to the deep devotion of pilgrims. Along the way, one encounters small oratories and the village of Machaby, with its characteristic dzerbys and a farmhouse where one can make a gastronomic stop. The hike is not only a walk among scenic and cultural beauties, but also an immersion in local history, witnessed by the nearby fortification of Lieutenant Lucini and the strategic use of the mule track during the Napoleonic era.
0h00' 0.00km Descend along the road until you reach a signpost indicating the path . Turn left and take the wide paved mule track, called Pavià du Bioley, which leads to Machaby. On the left, you will immediately come across a small tzapelet dedicated to Our Lady and Saints Martin and Barbara. Continue a little further until you reach a wooden bridge, cross the torrent de Va and resume the ascent along the pretty paved mule track that enters the thick chestnut forest (Castanea sativa). After a hairpin bend to the right, follow the mule track that continues steadily and moderately uphill until you reach the Sanctuary of Machaby (685m) 0h20' 0.61 km .
For the return walk, follow the same route as on the outward journey 0h10' 0.61 km .