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Chaligne Refuge, from Mendey

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Last survey: 23/07/2006
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
1530 m
Arrival height
1943 m
Positive difference in height
413 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


Short walk through woods and pastures at the foot of the Pointe de Chaligne. The destination is the newly opened Chaligne refuge.


We leave the car and set off along a small road heading south. Slightly uphill, we immediately cross the beautiful pastureland below Mendey, while before our eyes is a beautiful view of the Pointe de Chaligne. After a couple of hairpin bends, you reach the long pastureland of Mendey (1,547m, 0h05'); continue slightly uphill until you reach a crossroads: turn right and, after a short while, take the mule track that branches off to the left at the level of a tormented oak tree (1,590m, 0h15').
The track climbs the slope, passing by a few scattered larches, until you reach the track again below the Roncaille pastureland (1,671m, 0h25'). Take the farm track that passes above the alpine pasture and then leave it, after about 150m, following the signs for the path 3A that climbs up towards the wood, skirting a wooden railing. You soon enter the larch and spruce forest, climbing up a small valley keeping to the left until you reach the farm road again (1765m, 0h45'). Cross the road for the first time and continue in a southerly direction, crossing it twice more. The climb becomes gentler until it joins the road leading to the hut for the last time: from here the goal becomes visible. A few more minutes and you will finally reach the Chaligne hut (1943m, 1h15').
From the hut you can enjoy the wonderful view of the Valpelline, in the distance you can also see the Cervino.
You can either descend following the route taken uphill (0h45') or you can make a loop via the Collet alpine pasture. For this return walk, first descend along the little road taken uphill until you reach a fork: take the little road on the left and start walking along it practically level. You cross the beautiful spruce forest that descends from the Costa Tardiva and in about 20 minutes you reach the alpine pastures of Collet (1917m, 1h45'). Shortly after the alpine pastures, on the right, take a forest track, path (3), which enters the forest with a couple of hairpin bends and then proceeds almost straight downhill until a hairpin bend to the left that soon leads to Meriau Damon (1740m, 2h00'). From the cottage, turn right until reaching a small farm road: take it to the left and, after a few metres, you will find a yellow arrow indicating a descent to the right along the path. Follow the path along a hump between two tributaries and then turn right, cross a stream and rejoin a small road at a water intake. From here continue straight on towards Mendey, which is now visible, and from there to the starting point (2h15').


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