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Mount Lera, from Givoletto


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Last survey: 06/04/2009
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
575 m
Arrival height
1371 m
Positive difference in height
796 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


from Turin in a westerly direction reach Druento, then San Gillio and Givoletto. From the church of Givoletto, go up Via Santa Maria and Via Don Rolle, following the signs for the sanctuary of Maria Ausiliatrice. Shortly after the end of the asphalt road, and before a clearing equipped for trials, it is possible to park the car.


From Turin in a westerly direction reach Druento, then San Gillio and Givoletto. From the church of Givoletto, go up Via Santa Maria and Via Don Rolle, following the signs for the sanctuary of Maria Ausiliatrice. Shortly after the end of the asphalt road, and before a clearing equipped for trials, you can park your car.


Leave the car behind, pass the clearing equipped for trials and take the right-hand dirt road that begins to climb, ignoring the one on the left, which returns almost level towards the hamlets of Givoletto. From here the chapel, which we will reach, and our destination are already clearly visible. The small road continues to climb, cutting across the mountainside, until it meets an obvious stream. Shortly before, on the left, another dirt road branches off that descends towards Givoletto and should not be followed. At the stream, the road reverses direction and, after passing another hairpin bend, returns to the stream, which must be crossed. Be careful not to follow the road, which after two or three more hairpin bends ends in nothingness. Once you have crossed the stream, where you can refuel with water, continue along the path, which, after a few metres on almost level ground, turns abruptly to the right and begins to climb steeply, keeping more or less close to the stream. Follow the path for a long stretch until reaching a col (approx. 1100m) on the watershed with Varisella. From here, turn left following the top of the watershed to the Madonna della Neve chapel (1211m). From the car about two hours to here. Mount Lera almost towers above the chapel and can be easily reached in about half an hour.

Follow the ascent route or, having reached the col at 1100m, follow the watershed again, slightly uphill, to Punta Fournà (1128m) and from here descend along the evident Crest coastline, taking three pylons as a reference point, under which you must pass, and arrive, still along the coastline, at your car.

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