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Lake Ciarcerio, from Champoluc

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Last survey: 30/05/2011
0.00 Km
Departure altitude
1568 m
Arrival height
2376 m
Positive difference in height
808 m
Round trip time
Return time
Recommended period


From the square in Champoluc, take the road that climbs to the left of the church, the road soon ends and becomes a path that climbs through a beautiful pine forest until it crosses the ski slope that descends from Crest, cross it and return to the path. After coming out of the pine forest, it takes about ten minutes to reach the hamlet of Crest and the arrival station of the cable car that goes up from Champoluc. Take the dirt road that runs alongside the arrival station of the cableway and, after a turn to the right, cross a path on the right (signs for Lake Ciarcerio, Lake Contenery and Lake delle Rane). Take the path, which immediately comes out onto the dirt road that begins about ten metres further on. Without any possibility of error, follow the path as far as Lake delle Rane, with beautiful views of Monte Rosa, Cervino and Dent d'Herens, until you come to a fork where you leave the branch-off for the Belvedere hut on the left. The road begins to lose altitude until it reaches the Contenery lake, skirting it and starting to climb in the direction of the Contenery alp. At the alp, turn left and a final ramp leads to Lake Ciarcerio.

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