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Nivolet Hills and Lakes


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Last survey: 07/10/2009
0.00 Km
Recommended period


At the Ivrea exit of the A5 motorway, take the Pedemontana, State Road 565, and at Castellamonte, State Road 460 of Ceresole Reale. Arriving in Ceresole Reale, you skirt the lake of the same name and continue along Provincial Road 50 of the Colle del Nivolet, where access, in the summer months, is regulated or permitted only by the convenient shuttle bus. Pass Lake Serrù, Lake Agnel and park just below the Colle del Nivolet, near a small meltwater lake, almost opposite the little path that descends from the Chivasso hut. 



The proposed itinerary, at times very busy, leads to the two passes that connect Pian del Nivolet with the Rhêmes Valley: Col Rosset, a pass formed by characteristic yellowish limestone rocks, and Col du Leynir. The hike also leads to the visit of some 20 alpine lakes lying between the hydrographic border of the Orco and Valsavarenche valleys.


 To the left of the carriage road, at a little meltwater lake (about 2,560 m), take the trail marker N° 3C and, going over a few bumps, go to the left of the Rivaz alp. Keeping to the left, cross the Rosset stream under a waterfall, go round the plateau and climb to the plateau where the stream widens to form some elongated lakes. At the next fork with the signpost for Colle della Nivoletta (or Nivolettaz) and Punta Basei, keep to the right and cross the Rosset stream again at Lake Leytà (2699 m, 0h40'). The trail bends to the right and reaches, and then runs along, the entire western shore of Lake Rosset (note: the characteristic islet to the north of the lake is known as the "priest's hat" due to its shape). The path turns left to climb a grassy ridge and leads to the wide detrital basin where the Chavaney Lakes lie. Reaching the base of the final rampart, by turns, climb up to the yellowish limestone rocks of Col Rosset (3025 m, 1h55'). Descend the rampart again and retrace the path to the height of the second Chavaney lake. Take a narrow track to the left (unmarked), and with a clear path, cross a couple of small lakes to the south. Aiming for a modest creek, descend again into the valley opposite the small lake at 2814 m (note: in these areas, far from the busy trails, it is very common to meet the park's chamois). With a long diagonal to the right, between grass and stones, and again with a clear path, you return to the wide mule track marked trail N° 3B for the Col du Leynir (2h40'). Climb to the left by turns over detrital terrain, with sweeping views of the Rosset, Leytà and Trebecchi lakes, until the crest at Punta Bes, where the trail veers off into the desolate little Leynir valley (presence of a few modest snowfields even in late summer). We now cross the detrital shelf of the torrents that descend to the Lago Nero and, on very fine, almost sandy detritus, go around a rocky drop to the right. A final, almost flat diagonal to the left and you are at the Col du Leynir (3084 m, 3h40'). At the pass, there is an orientation table and a plate with the place names of the main observable mountains. From Col du Leynir, retrace the ascent route and go to the junction of the track for the Trebecchi lake basin (0h55'). Taking the left, by an unobstructed route, walk along the grassy slopes around the lakes, between white limestone rises, surrounding them to the south. When you reach the last lake, move to the right to reach a track to follow to the left. With a few ups and downs, go around a ridge and shortly afterwards climb to the left to the basin of Lago Nero (2747 m, 1h25'). Back on trail marker No. 3B (1h55'), turn left onto the wide track that, keeping high above Lake Rosset, descends to Alpe Rivaz. Taking the right-hand path, return to the trail marker N° 3C and descend to the starting point (about 2,560 m, 2h 35'). 

 Last modified: 23.07.07 Laghi dei Trebecchi (2723 m) - © 2007 Ivano Ruffoni Lakes of the Trebecchi (2723 m) - © 2007 Ivano Ruffoni Details of the excursion Type of itinerary: Circular Difficulty: Hikers (E) Physical effort: Medium Objective dangers: Low Exposed stretches: None Signposts: Trail N° 3C, Trail N° 3B, Trail N° 3C Total time: 6h15' Ascent time: 3h40' Descent time: 2h35' Departure altitude: 2560 m Arrival altitude: 3084 m Difference in height: Ascent 641 m Max height reached: 3084 m (Col du Leynir) Exposure: East Recommended period: July, August, September Water Water: Bibliography: * Cartography: * Introduction  Approach Description

Photo gallery Lakes and passes at the Nivolet - © 2007 Ivano Ruffoni Lakes and passes at the Nivolet - © 2007 Ivano Ruffoni Lakes and passes at the Nivolet - © 2007 Ivano Ruffoni Lakes and passes at the Nivolet - © 2007 Ivano Ruffoni Lakes and passes at the Nivolet - © 2007 Ivano Ruffoni The start Waterfall Rio Rosset Lake Leyta Lake Rosset Lakes of Chanavey Lakes and passes at the Nivolet - © 2007 Ivano Ruffoni Lakes and passes at the Nivolet - © 2007 Ivano Ruffoni Lakes and passes at the Nivolet - © 2007 Ivano Ruffoni Lakes and passes at the Nivolet - © 2007 Ivano Ruffoni Lakes and passes at the Nivolet - © 2007 Ivano Ruffoni Bastionata at Col Rosset Col Rosset Fine debris Col du Leynir Vaudala Glacier.. from Col du Leynir Lakes and passes at Nivolet - © 2007 Ivano Ruffoni Lakes and passes at Nivolet - © 2007 Ivano Ruffoni Gran Paradiso Black Lake

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