Parish Church of Saint-Germain

Nel Medioevo, sui due rilievi che dominano l'uno la gola della Dora Baltea l'altro la vecchia strada maestra, vennero eretti i castelli di Saint-Germain e di Chenal, dai quali si controllavano i passaggi e si esigevano i pedaggi. Vicende dinastiche e cessioni portarono i Savoia a controllare prima il castello di Chenal e poi dal 1295 anche quello di Saint-Germain, con il pretesto che abusi nell'esazione dei pedaggi e maltrattamenti ai viandanti erano stati compiuti dai signori locali. Entrambi i castelli furono inteudati nel XIV secolo alla nobile tamiglia degli Challant. complesso di Saint-Germain rimase in loro possesso fino al 1438, quando Francesco di Challant lo vendette ai Savoia che lo trasformarono in fortezza, insediandovi una guarnigione che vi permase sino al 1661. In tale data Carlo Emanuele Il ne ordinò lo smantellamento.
In the Middle Ages, the castles of Saint-Germain and Chenal were erected on the two hills overlooking the gorge of the Dora Baltea river, one overlooking the old main road, from which passages were controlled and tolls collected. Dynastic vicissitudes and surrenders led the Savoys to control first the castle of Chenal and then from 1295 also that of Saint-Germain, under the pretext that abuses in toll collection and mistreatment of travellers had been carried out by local lords. Both castles were inteuded in the 14th century to the noble Challant family. The Saint-Germain complex remained in their possession until 1438, when François de Challant sold it to the Savoy family, who turned it into a fortress and installed a garrison there until 1661. On that date Charles Emmanuel Il ordered its dismantling.
Inside the two walls, several residential buildings can still be recognised, such as the one for the garrison and that of the fortress governor, and a cistern. The square tower was probably erected on a structure that must have already existed in the 11th century. The large ramparts in the central clearing and the defensive structures suitable for firearms date back to the first half of the 16th century. At the foot of the fortress stands the parish church of Saint-Germain with a portico built in 1879 supported by two stone columns. On the south side stands the 15th-century bell tower, which is the oldest part of the building. The present church dates back to the end of the 17th century and was consecrated in 1704. Inside, there is an 18th-century wooden high altar with statues of the Virgin and Saints Grato, Jocund, German and Jerome. Also noteworthy is the side altar of the Holy Rosary with a canvas dated 1639.